Keeping A Stable Emotional State

Intense feelings usually cause us to react, act, or behave inappropriately especially when it caught us unguarded or when we are in a state of weakness, exhaustion, or lethargy. But, only for a time being. However intense our feelings get, we still recover from spur-of-the-moment responses. And after some time, we get over with the intensity of our feelings; while still feeling it, we get by and continue functioning normally.

Having stable emotional state is important in life. It enables you to cope with the normal stresses of life and take challenges in stride. It allows you to take control of your feelings and behave appropriately even when distressed. It is an important determinant of your happiness and success in life.

Stable emotional state can be honed like your other abilities. You have to choose actions and thoughts that contribute directly to your sense of calmness and serenity. You have to develop habits that bring harmony into your life and your interactions with everyone and everything around you. You must, in your own volition, change the way you think and alter your daily habits to improve your emotional health.

Here are 2 basic ways to keep a stable emotional state:

1.  Self-love. While it is noble to strive for the benefit of others. To be self-giving is admirable. But you must not set-aside loving yourself. You have to nurture your own being more than anybody else.

Eat healthy food. Nutrition is vital for a healthy mind. While dieting to trim down physically is becoming a trend, depriving yourself of one of its most basic need is detrimental to mental health. Be conscious about your food intake and ensure that your body is given the nutrients it deserve.

Never sleep deprive. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Your body can only undergo repair when you are in deep sleep. Take a break from work. Take time to relax and recreate. The happiest people in the world are those who take regular long vacations.

Develop a habit of exercise that fits your circumstance to trigger those happy hormones within you. Never settle with what you have achieved; continue to learn and become better.

Pursue to learn more. Hone your capabilities and improve on your limitations. Never settle for what you have become, aim for the best version of self every time.

Your conscious effort in taking care of ourselves draws from within us strong sense of self-worth and fortitude that serves as our armor against criticisms and discrimination.

2.  Positive perspective. Never view life in the perspective of opposition and competition. Choose to view it in a perspective of individuality and independence instead. Never gauge yourself in reference of others. Your biggest mistake is to compare yourself with others.

You are a unique being, so are the people around you. Your life path is uniquely yours and theirs as well. Embrace your own story, your own journey in life. Whatever position you are in now, never view it as better or lesser than that of others.

There is really no competition. Appreciate others but appreciate yourself more. Value what you are and where you are in life. Your success is certainly cannot be determined by other’s failure.

Aim to collaborate rather than compete and appreciate rather than compare.


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