Reaching Out and Determining the Wellness

Do you wonder sometimes why people act unreasonable and childish sometimes, often many times during a single day a childish reaction are the cause of most conflicts and relationship issues. This known as age regression and many people don’t recognize it when they do it. Instead, believe that they were provoked by other people or circumstances because the brains constantly scan the environments and compare the present experiences with memories from the past. When something can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic on the past memories the brains check these memories for additional information. The consequences and possible responses to unresolved or intense emotions related to those memories as they will cause someone to have flashbacks. You won’t be aware of those memories and the internal process of searching memories, but you will be aware of emotions that come out. Such emotions might make you react as if you were reacting to the past situation, not the pres...